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How to Stay Active Over the Holidays!


Happy Start to the 2023 Holiday Season, Raiders!

I am typing this blog over the soundtrack of a Charlie Brown Christmas…on my headphones of course because I may or may not have promised Margo that I wouldn’t start listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving…


The point here is, the holidays are upon us!

Traditionally this is the time of year that I see a lot of folks: new to fitness, newly back and even those of us who have been doin the thing for a while start to feel a little bit nervous about “holiday drop out.”

It can feel like enough of a challenge trying to work exercise into our busy lives when we aren’t in a holiday season. Tack on family visits, kiddos with time off from school, preparation of decadent meals, travel…suddenly staying active can feel next to impossible.

The great news?

It doesn’t have to be!


I’m here to help!

Here are my favorite ways to stay consistent over the holidays

🎄 Have a plan going into it! 🎄

Sometimes it can feel impossible with all the hustle and bustle to find time in the moment. But if you go in knowing what you’ll do and especially when you’ll do it, you take the hardest part out … the thinking!

This could look like deciding on a singular time each day that is your designated workout time. Then share it with your fam. From 10-10:30 I’m going to be working out, but I am free and excited to hang out after!

You could put together a schedule that alternates day to day with predetermined workouts. You could decide, since you are off from work, to add a 15 minute walk in after every meal! Get creative with what works ahead of time, and then stick to it.

🎄Plan to workout from home or the hotel! 🎄

Unless going to the gym brings you joy and you look forward to it… Having home workouts planned cuts the travel time.

This means more time doing things you love with the people you love!

Plus, for those of you with kiddos home from school - this could be the trick that gets workouts back on the menu. No babysitter - or slightly resentful spouse - required! 😘

🎄Keep it short! 🎄

One of the most common things I hear when people miss workouts is that they didn’t have time to fit in exercise.

But remember. Moving your body for any amount of time makes a HUGE difference.

And to help ya out:

I’ve got a bunch of 20 minutes and under, strength and flow, Youtube Videos just waiting for ya!

I’ll also be posting some quick and accessible workouts all week on insta!

AND! If you feel like a bit of a level up. Raider Fit Black Friday sale runs from 11/24-11/27!

All DIY Fitness Programs have their biggest discount of the year - 50% Off!

🎄Get Your Family Involved 🎄

Many years have passed with me never considering this option because I always decided no one will want to join me.

Boy oh boy, Charlie Brown, was I wrong!

Maybe they’ll be down to clown with your usual favorite type of exercise, but this may mean being okay with switching it up … cuz it is okay.

I have found that Yoga and Walking are two types of fitness I can get almost any family member to join in on.

Plus movement is good for the whooole family.

Who knows? Maybe you’ll start a healthy new tradition!

🎄 WALK More! 🎄

To all my Step Up Challengers - you knew I was going to say it…walking is a GREAT choice here!

It is sooo functional, great for stabilizing blood sugar, easy to do with the fam, AND it gets ya away from screens and into nature (to name a few perks).

🎄Or? Just don’t worry about it! 🎄

Be okay with and enjoy your time off. Dive back in when the festivities are through!

Rest periods can be just as beneficial for our bodies as workouts.

No matter how you chose to spend your holidays, please remember this:

Enjoy your time together to the best of your abilities.

In 5 years, 10 years, 20 years time you won’t be looking back thinking about the exercises you did this holiday season. You will be thinking about the memories you made with your loved ones.

So let’s first and foremost, be present and make some magical memories!

Wishing you and yours a magical holiday season.

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